Products: DHEA
Dehydroepiandrosterone "YOUTH FORMULA"
Dehydroepiandrosterone is another hormone that can help in the fight against aging.
DHEA is a steroid hormone produced in the adrenal gland. It is the most abundant steroid in the bloodstream and is present in even higher levels in brain tissues. DHEA levels are known to decrease with age. DHEA production reaches its peak at age 21, and falls off rapidly until age 75, falling 90% from age 20 to age 75. Laboratory and clinical evidence suggests that this dramatic decrease may be the driving force behind numerous degenerative and age related diseases.
DHEA is known to be a precursor to the numerous steroid hormones including estrogen and testosterone which serve well known functions, but the specific biologic role of DHEA itself is under scientific study to identify the effects of DHEA from those of the primary sex steroids from which DHEA is metabolized into.
Although the specific mechanisms of DHEA are under study, DHEA supplementation studies on humans and animals show a number of substantial benefits such as:
DHEA is currently being tested on Alzheimer's patients.
Scientific studies show that DHEA can improve health in a number of ways.
Scientific research is cited in the recently published book edited by Drs. Kalimi and Regelson entitled "The Biologic Role of Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)". Its 24 chapters report on the work of Scientists from around the world and is prefaced by their remarks that: "DHEA modulates diabetes, obesity, carcinogenesis, tumor growth, neurite outgrowth, virus and bacterial infection, stress, pregnancy, hypertension, collagen and skin integrity, fatigue, depression, memory and immune responses."
DHEA and Cancer
Early reports from England suggest that DHEA was abnormally low in woman who developed breast cancer, even as much as nine years prior to the onset or diagnosis of the disease. Of the 5,000 women followed in the study, 27 developed cancer. Most of the 27 had abnormally low levels of DHEA. Another study has demonstrated that, in those women who develop breast cancer, levels of DHEA correlate with more advanced cancer at diagnosis. This finding held for both pre and postmenopausal women.
In other research, Dr. Arthur Schwartz of Temple University found that supplements of DHEA significantly protected cell cultures from the toxicity of carcinogens. Subsequent studies by Swartz identified powerful protective effects of supplemental DHEA for breast cancer prone mice. The results of the experiment showed that after 8 months the control animals were developing cancer while the DHEA animals had no tumors. In two later studies with different strains of mice, Swartz found 75% and 100% reductions in tumor incidence at 8 months of age, and 50% and 75% reductions at 15 months of age. DHEA has demonstrated protective effects for cancers of the skin, lungs, bowel, bladder, breast, lymphatic system and liver. According to Dr. William Regelson "whenever DHEA has been tested in a model of carcinogenesis and tumor reduction, it has preventative effects."
DHEA and Cardiac Risk
DHEA has been shown to lower serum cholesterol when given to obese rats, rhesus monkeys, dogs, and mice. In a study involving postmenopausal women, serum cholesterol dropped an average of 11.3% after only 4 weeks of DHEA administration. Men who eventually had fatal heart attacks were found to have lower serum DHEA levels than age matched controls. Low doses of DHEA have been shown to decrease the level of a substance in the blood which inhibits plasma plasminogen activator, a substance which can prevent heart attacks.
DHEA, Obesity and Appetite
A study by Dr. Terrence T. Yen on the effect of DHEA on genetically obese mice revealed, that although the DHEA treated mice ate normally, they remained thin and they lived longer than control mice. This effect was also observed by Dr. Swartz in his studies. In another study Dr. M.P. Cleary found that even middle-aged rats lost weight when fed DHEA supplemented food. Diabetes, a typical complication of obesity, was also dramatically decreased. In rats genetically prone to over-eating, DHEA caused a decrease in the number and size of fat cells. The weight loss seen in experimental animals was independent of food intake, in other words, these animals ate the same amount but deposited less fat in their bodies. When DHEA levels were measured in obese, pre- menopausal women, low levels were associated with a greater degree of obesity.
DHEA, Aging and Sex Drive
The body's production drops from 30 milligrams of DHEA for men and 20 milligrams for women at age 20 to less than 6 mg. per day at age 30. According to Dr. William Regelson of the Medical Collage of Virginia, DHEA is one of the best biochemical markers for chronological age. In some people, a decline of 95% during their lifetime, the largest decline of an important biochemical yet documented. In animal studies, DHEA extends rodent life spans up to 50%. The animals not only lived longer, they looked younger. The graying course-haired control animals could easily be distinguished from the sleek, black haired treated animals.
In another study, it was found that women with lower DHEA levels reported lower frequencies of intercourse and lower self-rated sexual gratification scores. DHEA levels relate significantly to the four stage sexual response process.
FOR BEST RESULTS USE 10mg. PHARMACEUTICAL GRADE DHEA CAPSULES. 10mg. capsules provide a means to adjust for proper dosage, for men (30mg.) per day and women (20mg) per day.
Packaged in glass bottles containing 10 mg. capsules 120 each Suggested Retail price $12.95
Wholesale Prices To Resellers Upon Request.
DHEA DOSAGE: The amount of DHEA produced in the body of a 20 year old healthy male is approximately 30 milligrams per day, and in a 20 year old healthy female, approximately 20 milligrams per day. 10 mg. capsules provide both male and female easy access to proper daily intake.